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Keep cool in the heat with Nimboo Pani!

Literally 'Lemon water', this lemonade from India is drunk in the hot summers to prevent heat stroke. This heat wave might be over soon, but you can drink this at any time. Enjoy!!!

6 limes

4 tablespoons of sugar

500ml boiling water

1/4 teaspoon of salt

Roll the limes on a cutting board firmly to loosen the flesh and release the juice.

Halve the limes and squeeze the juice through a strainer into a jug.

Put the rinds in a bowl and cover them with the sugar. Pour the boiling water on the limes and let them steep for no more than 15mns (or the liquid might acquire a bitter taste).

Add the salt to the infusion and stir. Strain the liquid into the jug containing the lime juice.

Pack the jug with ice cubes and put refrigerate.

Pour over ice to serve!


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